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Naprawa pendrive
Może pomoże [instrukcja z neta, kiedyś naprawiałem peny w Wingrozie ale nie pamiętam nazwy programiku]:

Możesz zrobić tak:
sudo fsck -v -a /dev/disk/by-id/partycja_dysku_którą_chcesz_naprawić

... albo opcja druga od zera:

A. First we need to delete the old partitions that remain on the USB key.
  1. Open a terminal Ctrl+Alt+T and then type sudo su.
  2. Type fdisk -l and note which letter belongs to your flash drive.
  3. Then type fdisk /dev/sdx (replacing x with your drive letter).
  4. Next type d to proceed to delete a partition.
  5. Type 1 to select the 1st partition and press enter.
  6. Then type d to proceed to delete another partition, if necessary. (fdisk should automatically select the second partition).

B. Next we need to create a new partition.
  1. Type n to make a new partition.
  2. Then type p and press enter to make this partition primary.
  3. Type 1 and then press enter to make this the first partition.
  4. Next press enter to accept the default first sector.
  5. Press enter again to accept the default last sector.
  6. Type w to write the new partition information to the USB key.
  7. Type umount /dev/sdx1 (replace x with your drive letter).
C. The last step is to create the fat32 or exFAT filesystem.
  1. For Fat32, type mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdx1 (replacing x with your drive letter)
  2. For exFAT, (if using Ubuntu or Debian), type apt install exfat-utils and then type mkfs.exfat /dev/sdx1 (again replace x with your drive letter)
Born to be root... not to reboot. Dodgy

Wiadomości w tym wątku
Naprawa pendrive - przez gbk77 - 22-01-2025, 13:18
RE: Naprawa pendrive - przez Xan666 - 24-01-2025, 01:56
RE: Naprawa pendrive - przez gbk77 - 27-01-2025, 17:07
RE: Naprawa pendrive - przez omkar - 26-01-2025, 21:14
RE: Naprawa pendrive - przez dedito - 27-01-2025, 19:35
RE: Naprawa pendrive - przez omkar - 27-01-2025, 21:39

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