20-09-2020, 11:39
Wykonałem wszystko z pierwszego linku i system widzi sensor który po teście miga.
Ale zupełnie nie wiem co dalej...
Próbowałem szukać odpowiedzi w drugim linku ale nic nie działa.
Dodano po pewnym czasie:
Match on Chip
This is the only supported way by 138a:0097
, so once you've enrolled your fingers with
you will be able to re-enroll your fingers in fprintd to use them in linux as well.
This unfortunately can't be done in 138a:0090
, but you can still use a Windows installation (even in VirtualBox) to enroll the prints to save them in the chip and enable the match-on-sensor, this can make the verification faster, safer and higher quality.
Unfortunately there's currently no easy way to implement this in this driver without reverse-engineer the fingerprint template creation that the windows drivers does in host.
czyli mam zainstalować windowsa w wirtualboxie?
Ale zupełnie nie wiem co dalej...
Próbowałem szukać odpowiedzi w drugim linku ale nic nie działa.
Dodano po pewnym czasie:
Match on Chip
This is the only supported way by 138a:0097
, so once you've enrolled your fingers with
This unfortunately can't be done in 138a:0090
, but you can still use a Windows installation (even in VirtualBox) to enroll the prints to save them in the chip and enable the match-on-sensor, this can make the verification faster, safer and higher quality.
Unfortunately there's currently no easy way to implement this in this driver without reverse-engineer the fingerprint template creation that the windows drivers does in host.
czyli mam zainstalować windowsa w wirtualboxie?