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Zmiana jądra Linux Mint Lmde
Potrzebuję pomocy jak zmienić w Linux mint lmde 5 jądro na starsze np. 5.4. potrzebuję zainstalować starszy Kernel aby zainstalować sterowniki do starej sorry NVIDIA. Niestety Kernel 5.10 nie ma już sterowników dla tej karty
Starsze jądro możesz zainstalować np. z snapshotów Debiana. https://snapshot.debian.org/
Możesz ręcznie ściągnąć paczki i poinstalować lub dodać jako wpis do repozytorium wg informacji na stronie.
Czy może jest jakiś sprawdzony program do zainstalowania tak jak w Linux mint który pozwala łatwo zarządzać jądrami?
Nie znam takiego.
(13-04-2022, 11:06)dedito napisał(a): Starsze jądro możesz zainstalować np. z snapshotów Debiana. https://snapshot.debian.org/
Możesz ręcznie ściągnąć paczki i poinstalować lub dodać jako wpis do repozytorium wg informacji na stronie.
W którym miejscu znajdę opis jak dodać wpis do repozytorium. Zagubiłem się w ilości plików na tej stronie.

In order to browse snapshots of the archives kept on snapshot.debian.org, simply follow the links on the top left. They will lead you to a list of months for which data was imported, and the list entries in turn will point you to all timestamps of a given month's snapshots.

For example, /archive/debian/ shows that we have imports for the main Debian archive, http://ftp.debian.org/debian/, from 2005 until the present. Picking October of 2009, /archive/debian/?year=2009;month=10, provides us with a list of many different states of the debian archive, roughly spaced 6 hours apart (the update frequency of ftp.debian.org at that time). Following any of these links, say /archive/debian/20091004T111800Z/, shows how ftp.debian.org/debian looked on the 4th of October 2009 at around 11:18 UTC.

If you want to add a specific date's archive to your apt sources.list simply add an entry like these:

deb https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T111800Z/ lenny main
deb-src https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T111800Z/ lenny main
deb https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T121501Z/ lenny/updates main
deb-src https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T121501Z/ lenny/updates main

To access snapshots using https, you need to install the ca-certificates package; with apt version earlier than 1.5~alpha1 you also need to install the apt-transport-https package. (Note that http:// also still works if you prefer.)

To learn which snapshots exist, i.e. which date strings are valid, simply browse the list as mentioned above. Valid date formats are yyyymmddThhmmssZ or simply yyyymmdd. If there is no import at the exact time you specified you will get the latest available timestamp which is before the time you specified.

To access snapshots of suites using Valid-Until that are older than a dozen days, it is necessary to ignore the Valid-Until header within Release files, in order to prevent apt from disregarding snapshot entries ("Release file expired"). Use aptitude -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update or apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update for this purpose.

If you use at least apt version 1.1.exp9 (stretch and later), you can use this instead:

deb [check-valid-until=no] https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T111800Z/ lenny main
deb-src [check-valid-until=no] https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T111800Z/ lenny main
deb [check-valid-until=no] https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T121501Z/ lenny/updates main
deb-src [check-valid-until=no] https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debi...4T121501Z/ lenny/updates main

If you want anything related to a specific package simply enter the source package name in the form, or find it in the package index.

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