29-11-2020, 11:22
(28-11-2020, 23:03)dedito napisał(a): No właśnie ... z terminala można się dopatrzeć:Tak działa tylko raz , ale właściwie mozna odpuścić temat wymysliłem i ustawiłem engine smplayera na mpv , i w smplayerze można wyklikać wszystko.Także do zamknięcia.
Cytat:man mpv
Always save the current playback position on quit. When this file is played again later, the player will seek to the old playback position on
start. This does not happen if playback of a file is stopped in any other way than quitting. For example, going to the next file in the playlist
will not save the position, and start playback at beginning the next time the file is played.
This behavior is disabled by default, but is always available when quitting the player with Shift+Q.
Dzięki dedito za pomoc.Pozdrawiam
Jesus saves.